Cultivating Devotional Love
Above: Me and my dear friend, Badger. This is one being that I absolutely ADORE…
Perhaps you’ve heard before that yoga is more than a physical practice. Well, it is. Much, much, much more…
Yoga is love. Love that transcends the surface of normal, everyday life. Yoga is eternal and universally within us. When I write, “Cultivating Devotional Love,” it comes from this deep understanding that yoga is an invitation to live with an open heart and to move with grace.
This idea of devotional love is rooted in the ancient teachings of the Advaita Vedanta, based on the sacred scriptures of India, the Vedas. The Vedanta views love as pure and simple, coming from within the self. Going further, the Vedanta teaches us about the non-dual nature of reality (that there is no separation between the individual and the divine), meaning that love is the natural state of being when we align with truth (non-dualism). So, cultivate this alignment. Be devoted and be one with the love within.
Oof, that is generations of philosophy wrapped up into 88 words… shall we move to the mat?
On the mat, this philosophy translates into how we approach movement. In asana practice, ‘cultivating devotional love’ means to move with intention and presence rather than with the goal of perfection. It’s about letting the breath guide the body, honouring its wisdom, and embracing where you are in each moment.
I have found that when living with love at the centre of my life, I align more with the essence of the yogic mantra, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu, (”May all beings everywhere be happy and free”). By cultivating love, we contribute to a more peaceful world.